Professional Assistance at Hand

No computer system is better than what you can get out of it. And not at least it's capacity to interact with other systems.
Our skilled consultants are ready to help you increase your user experience with Adonis. Replace manual work with automated routines. Start using Microsoft Word as an integrated Merge function e.g. for your contracts printing. Have advanced customized reports available instead of tweeeking with data in and out of Excel. Create more views and queries and have them at hand for the users at all times to display important data from the database.
«...the right tool for the job !"
Set-up Analytical Views to analyse data in Pivot tables and produce graphics directly from the system. Let the Notification Server produce automatic e-mail alerts to crew on expiring or missing documents. Set-up management reports to be produced and distributed automatically at pre-set times. Publish data such as Onboard Lists from your Adonis Human Resource Database on a regular basis to your Intranet. And keep Adonis open for data exchange with other systems through our Integration Server.