GDPR - "The right to be forgotten!"

NOV 2017: One of the important provisions of EU's new general data protection regulations, GDPR, which will be taking effect from May 25. 2018, is "the right to be forgotten".
As an administrator of Adonis Personnel Manager, you have a tool at hand, inside the application, to purge all information which is stored for a person in the database. Not a trace will be left behind, so you can rest assured that you are in full compliance with this vital provision of the new law.
It is yopur responsibility as emplyer also to delete all personal information which are in your possion outside of Adonis Personnel Manager, such as on backup media, paper files etc.
There are several exceptions and deviations to this general rule. An employee may request data processor to just stop processing his/her data. Or there may be other provosions which are overriding a request for data eration.
You may read more in details what the law says on eration here.